“Adoptathons Near Me” rely on those irresistible must haves, they are “puppy/kitten high” festivals. They’re designed for impulse “Instagrammable moments.”
As doggie carnival season sets upon us in India and we are tripping over adoption corners for your new “furry friend”
Please keep in mind…
Adoptathons are fantastic places to meet & identify the animal you want to bring home…
but a responsible adopathon makes YOU do the WORK of bringing an animal home.
Responsible adoptathons, grill you, interrogate you, follow up & should pretty much terrify you,
but they should also make you secure in the knowledge that they are around when you need their help.
You’ve heard it before
adopting an animal is a life long commitment
simply put
Your Feel good Friday adoption,
often becomes Manic Monday regret
Rules of Adopting a Pet
1. Never bring home an animal on impulse
2. Do not get talked into “changing an animals life” The truth is they change your life. Adoptathons make puppies and kittens instantly appealing!
3. If you have a busy work schedule opt to bring home an older animal. Puppies and kittens arebabies, adorable but a lot of work and they require a huge commitment of time and attention.
4. Consider the often overlooked senior dog or cat to bring home. The advantage of an adoptathon is that you have a ‘variety’ of animals to choose from.
5. Volunteering at adoptathons is the perfect way to Learn animal behaviour, this is so important if you are considering bringing a pet home.