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Tag Archives: veterinarian
Why are veterinarians your pets best friend?
The emotional lives of vets – how can you help your vet?
Are You A Veterinarian?
The digital age vet must be friend, philosopher, guide and medical professional. We hold veterinarians to unreal standards with little or no regard for their mental or physical wellbeing. Yes, your ‘fur baby’ deserves the best medical care, but it is prudent to remember that families, farms and communities have owned and lived along side dogs, cats, cows and myriad other domestic animals for centuries. Companion animal care did not begin with Facebook and Instagram. It did however transform.
This simple rule for your pet’s stress free Vet Visit
We owe it to our veterinarians, to take notice of them. Lend them the support they need and thank them for caring for the most important members of our families.
Dog camp near me
Dog camp near me is a click away, please check on the credentials and safety record of a dog camp before signing up.