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Vet Your Pet Food

Hills' Nutrition Article

Susan Thixton, is probably the best friend and protector your pet’s gut will ever have. Please do your research, and if you need an assistant, write to us, call us, text us. We’re here to make sure your pets eat quality food. Confidence building words such as Science, Diet, Prescription, are liberally used to market and sell products to humans and pets.
This article chronicles the history of ‘warnings’ from the FDA to Hill’s Pet Nutrition. As a pet owner it is deeply troubling that a pet food company should be in such a position of authority. Any authority anywhere. What is particularly insidious about this case is that pet parents continue to use these foods. Often in good faith, because no pet owner knowingly feeds or uses an unsafe product .

The world and its borders are incredibly small. If you feed your pets imported foods make sure you know the history of the manufacturer. If you need help to find the right resources, ask us, we will be happy to share them with you.

Thank you, Susan Thixton, of the  for permitting us to share information and articles which are relevant to pet parents globally.


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