We’re doggie pool crazy. It is fantastic that dogs of India can now go for a dip in their own doggie pool on our scorcher summer days.
The benefits and harms of swimming for humans and animals are similar. Do not let your dog swim in a pool if
– you are not familiar with its cleaning schedule
– Is the pool clean? Are the surroundings clean and mould free?
– Do you know of any disease or illness other dogs that have been in the pool may have?
-Does the pool require owners to present a certificate of “clean health”
If the pool uses chlorine, make sure the chlorine levels in the pool are safe for dogs. Humans and dogs have different tolerance levels. Pets that spend long periods in chlorinated pools may exhibit symptoms of itchy skin or red eyes. Also make sure the pool is an a well ventilated area chlorine gas in poorly ventilated areas may cause irritation of the airways.
– Are there trained professionals with your dog in the pool?
Swimming is not just a fun activity it is a full body workout for your dog.
“In general, the energy cost of swimming a given distance, is about four times the cost of of running the same distance” (Mc Gowan, Goff, Stubbs). If your dog has hip, joint, ageing issues please do not consult Dr. Google and head for the nearest swimming pool. Consult your vet, check which exercises are appropriate for your dog. Then head to the nearest doggie pool.
Ill bred dogs, means certain breeds already pre disposed to problems like hip dysplasia are more vulnerable like Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers or German Shepherds. Pugs, brachycephalic dogs, (squashed nose dogs) are particularly at risk of respiratory disorders because of their inability to take in adequate amounts of oxygen. Swimming for these dogs can be disastrous if their heart rates are not properly monitored.
What is Limber Tail?
Limber tail is a condition that may affect working dogs or dogs that have been swimming in cold water. Also known as Swimmers Tail. If you find your dogs tail is limp, or unable to move, contact your vet. It commonly occurs due to overexertion. Other causes are ‘climate changes, inappropriate crate sizes or too long crate time, sudden cold shock, warm or cold baths or overuse of the tail. Even though the exact cause isn’t clear, it’s certain that it’s a muscle injury.’ It is usually treated with an anti inflammatory and recovery is in 24 hours.
This is interesting, I’d never heard of Limber Tail, thanks Oliver, I’m going to ask my vet about this before we go for our next swim!!