Puppy facts, a super easy guide to get you thinking. Raising a puppy is one of the hardest jobs, rewarding and exhausting!
What are some facts you should be familiar with when bringing a puppy into your family? Because there are numerous aspects to consider it can become confusing. Each family has unique circumstances, there are a few non negotiable questions and answers to consider.
Quick facts about preparing for a puppy.
Where can I get a puppy?
From your local shelter, rescue group or foster. Social media and the internet are great resources for research but do not commit to an adoption of anyone willing to carry out the process without meeting you.
Why choose a puppy over a senior dog?
Choose a puppy over a senior dog only if you have loads of time to care for your pup. They are hard work so you will loose sleep for the first couple of months. If you work from home and can dedicate the time, choose a puppy. If your schedule means you have limited time to give a pup, choose a senior dog.
How do I know to what size a puppy will grow?
The truth is when you adopt a mix breed or shelter pup it is difficult to know. However, an experienced rescue group or foster will be able to give you a good estimate of the approximate size your puppy will grow to when an adult. If you are adopting a breed, size is pretty much predetermined.
Puppy fact 1 – unintentional exercise is a side effect of puppy ownership. Half a day of chasing them about, the other half cleaning up and feeding!
What should a new puppy owner prepare with?
Before you bring a puppy home, be ready with the basics. A puppy collar and leash, blankets. A crate or box, puppies need to feel secure and protected when they sleep. To feed your new pup be prepared with the diet followed at the shelter or foster home. If you are adopting a special needs pup consult a vet. Sudden changes in a dog’s diet will lead to stomach disorders. Do not abruptly change your dogs diet.
Should I puppy proof my home?
Yes, if your home has a lot of stairs, wide open balconies and nooks and crannies a pup can fall into or hide in, block those off. There are many easy to assemble and use crates, and dog gates. These are not permanent changes to your home. Most of these are adjustable and portable making them perfect to reuse and easy to store.
Puppy fact 2 , any and
all stairs in a home are
now make shift slides
and tumble hazards
for your puppy!
Is it important to socialise my puppy?
Yes, any dog behaviourist will advise you to begin socialising your puppy. You must begin this as soon as it is safe for them to interact with people and animals. Minimally or un socialised puppies end up in shelters or abandoned mainly because of human error. Puppy fact numero uno, socialise as early as possible as often as possible!
Puppy Fact 3 If you are not willing to pull foreign objects out of your pups mouth- you are not ready for a puppy!
Will I have large veterinary bills?
Your vet is your pets best friend. A good veterinarian will help you raise a well adjusted happy healthy dog. Medical costs are an important factor to consider. If you live in a country which offers pet medical insurance be sure to investigate your options.
How do I prepare for a puppy or pet in my home?
Volunteer! The value of volunteering to prepare a family or individual for pet ownership cannot be overstated. It is a “best of both world’s” learning. It helps give you experience in handling, walking, behaviour (in a kennel, which is an unnatural setting for dogs or cats). Puppy health and unexpected surprises are not uncommon, stay informed and follow these great in depth resources. (None of these replace veterinary advice, they are intended to bolster and enhance)
What questions should I ask?
Any question you have about pet care, feeding, or medical procedures is a good question. There are no irrelevant or silly questions. Fosters, shelters and rescue centers will be happy to answer your questions and support you for as long as you and your new family member need to settle in. Running after your new bundle of fur and energy is hard work, ask for all the help you need!