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The Amygdala, emotions & jealousy, what is your pet telling you?

canine amygdala

What is the amygdala? Why you should understand this interesting part of your pets brain.

The amygdala is a part of your dog or cats brain that measures and is involved in aggression and other emotional states.

Science does have a role to play when we set out to understand our pets who are such an important part of our existence. We’ve progressed to referring to them as pet children! When a generation begins to identify itself as pet parents. It’s time to delve deeper into the role canines and felines play in our lives.

There’s a popular info graphic, amusing “did you adopt the dog, no it’s my biological dog” on the surface of it, this is amusing. But stop scrolling, long enough to internalise what you just read. Species cross over, intermingling, what is the word for such inexplicable adoration and acceptance of a species that you want to assume credit for its existence.

They (canines in particular) have progressed from domesticated wolves, hunters along side aboriginal peoples, fringe animals that lived off scraps, to inching their way into our lives. Travelling with shepherds globally for 1000’s of years, to military and police dogs, guide dogs, sniffer dog all working dogs who perform outstanding services to human society. And of course the pinnacle of the canines success, has to be achieving the tag of child.

The ability of canines to manipulate humans is surely a super power….. or they’re smarter than they average human ( with due apologies to Yogi Bear, friend philosopher and procurer of picnic baskets!)

If dogs did indeed domesticate themselves as some theories suggest. As they evolve and become an integral part of human family life, could they be picking up our “bad habits” or jealousy a natural trait ? Of all living beings?

“… It was already well known that intense emotions activate the limbic system, in particular an areas within it called the amygdala. We depend on the amygdala to warn us of impending danger and to activate the body’s stress response.”

A., V. der K. B. (2015). The body keeps the score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma. Penguin Books.

The Amygdala

The amygdala is a small, almond-shaped cluster of nuclei located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain, one in each hemisphere. It plays a crucial role in processing emotions, particularly those associated with fear and pleasure. The amygdala is part of the limbic system, a complex network of brain structures involved in emotions, motivation, and memory.

Here are some key functions of the amygdala

  1. Emotional Processing: The amygdala is integral to the processing and interpretation of emotions. It helps identify and respond to emotionally charged stimuli in the environment.
  2. Fear Response: The amygdala is often associated with the fear response. It can trigger a “fight or flight” reaction when it perceives a threat, leading to physiological changes like increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness.
  3. Memory Formation: The amygdala is involved in the consolidation of emotionally significant memories. It helps link emotions to events and experiences, contributing to the formation of long-term memories.
  4. Social and Sexual Behavior: The amygdala influences social and sexual behavior by processing emotional cues in social situations. It plays a role in recognizing and responding to facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal emotional signals.
  5. Decision-Making: The amygdala is implicated in decision-making processes, particularly those involving risk and reward. It can influence choices based on emotional considerations.

The amygdala receives input from various sensory systems, such as vision and auditory processing, allowing it to respond rapidly to emotionally relevant stimuli. Additionally, it communicates with other brain regions, including the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in higher-order cognitive functions and executive control.

Disruptions in amygdala function have been linked to various psychiatric conditions, including anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Understanding the role of the amygdala in emotional processing is crucial for gaining insights into emotional regulation and the neural basis of emotional disorders.

How does the Amygdala work in Canines

The amygdala in canines functions similarly to that in humans, playing a crucial role in emotional processing and responses to environmental stimuli. Here are some key aspects of how the amygdala works in canines:

Emotional Processing:

Like in humans, the canine amygdala is involved in processing and interpreting emotions. Dogs can experience a range of emotions, including joy, fear, excitement, and anxiety, and the amygdala helps them respond appropriately to emotional cues in their environment.

Fear and Threat Detection:

The amygdala in dogs is particularly important for detecting and responding to potential threats. It is involved in the fear response, triggering the “fight or flight” reaction when a dog perceives danger. This can manifest as behaviors such as barking, growling, or fleeing.

Social Behavior:

Dogs are social animals, and their amygdala is involved in processing social cues. This includes recognizing and responding to the emotions of other dogs and humans. The amygdala contributes to the dog’s ability to form social bonds, read facial expressions, and understand the emotional states of those around them.

Learning and Memory:

The amygdala in canines plays a role in learning and memory formation, especially when it comes to associating emotions with specific experiences. Dogs can form strong emotional memories, and the amygdala is involved in linking emotional significance to various stimuli, influencing future behaviors.


It contributes to the emotional aspects of communication in dogs. This includes vocalizations, body language, and other nonverbal signals that convey emotional states. Dogs may use their amygdala to assess the emotional context of a situation and respond accordingly.

Understanding the role of the amygdala in canines is essential for training and interacting with dogs effectively. Positive reinforcement and creating positive associations can help shape a dog’s emotional responses and behaviors. Additionally, being aware of potential stressors and providing a supportive and secure environment can contribute to the well-being of dogs by minimizing negative amygdala-driven reactions.

How does the Amygdala work in Felines?

In felines it serves similar functions to that in humans and other mammals. It is a key component of the brain’s limbic system, playing a crucial role in emotional processing and responses to stimuli. Here are some aspects of how the amygdala works in felines:

  1. Emotional Processing: The amygdala is central to the processing and interpretation of emotions in cats. Like dogs and humans, cats experience a range of emotions, including fear, pleasure, and excitement. The amygdala helps them respond appropriately to various emotional cues in their environment.
  2. Fear and Threat Detection: Cats, being both predators and prey in the wild, rely on the amygdala to detect and respond to potential threats. The amygdala is involved in the fear response, triggering behaviors such as hiding, hissing, or fleeing when a cat perceives danger.
  3. Social Behavior: While cats are generally more independent than dogs, the amygdala in felines still processes social cues. Cats can form social bonds with humans and other animals, and the amygdala plays a role in recognizing and responding to emotional signals from others.
  4. Learning and Memory: The amygdala contributes to learning and memory formation in cats. They can form strong emotional associations with specific experiences, which can influence their future behaviors. Positive or negative experiences may lead to the formation of emotional memories that guide a cat’s responses in similar situations.
  5. Communication: The amygdala participates in the emotional aspects of communication in cats. This includes vocalizations, body language, and other nonverbal signals that convey emotional states. Understanding a cat’s body language and vocalizations can provide insights into its emotional well-being and current state.

It’s important to note that individual cats can vary in their temperaments and responses to stimuli, and environmental factors play a significant role in shaping a cat’s emotional experiences. Creating a secure and enriching environment, providing positive interactions, and understanding a cat’s unique preferences contribute to a positive emotional well-being and can help minimize stress-related responses influenced by the amygdala.

Do you think your dog or cat gets jealous?

While dogs and cats don’t experience jealousy in the same complex and conscious way that humans do, they can exhibit behaviors that we may interpret as jealousy. These behaviors often link to competition for resources, attention, or affection. Here are some signs that may be indicative of what people commonly perceive as jealousy in pets:

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Both dogs and cats may display attention-seeking behavior when they feel that their owner is paying more attention to another pet or person. This can include nudging, whining, meowing, or trying to get between the owner and the perceived rival.


Some pets may become possessive of their owners or certain objects, showing signs of discomfort or displeasure when others approach. This behavior can be more pronounced in situations where attention or resources are perceived as limited.


In multi-pet households, pets may show aggression toward each other if they feel their status or resources are being threatened. This can include growling, hissing, or even physical aggression.

It’s important to note that these behaviors are not necessarily driven by complex emotions like jealousy but rather by a combination of instincts, learned behaviors, and responses to environmental stimuli. Additionally, individual pets have unique personalities, and their responses can vary.

Creating an environment that promotes positive interactions, providing ample resources (such as toys, food, and attention) for all pets, and practicing fair and consistent behavior with each pet can help reduce perceived competition and minimize behaviors that might be interpreted as jealousy. Understanding and meeting the needs of each pet can contribute to a harmonious multi-pet household.


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