Hill’s Nutrition is voluntarily recalling canned Pet food for elevated levels of Vitamin D. The company website does state that the recall primarily affects Hill’s products in the United States, but they caution users to check country specific websites for any recalls in their region.
We’re posting the article by Dr. Thixton https://truthaboutpetfood.com/hills-pet-nutrition-recalls-select-canned-dog-food-for-excessive-vitamin-d/
Please check the Hill’s Pet Food website in India to make sure your pets are not affected by the recall. https://www.hillspet.co.in/
Is Vitamin D important for your pet?
Cats and dogs absorb Vitamin D only when they are exposed to sunlight. However, they do not absorb adequate levels. Many commercial pet foods add synthetic vitamin D to formulas. It plays a vital role in the absorption of phosphorous and calcium for your cat or dog. Vitamin D promotes calcium retention, however, in excess, Vitamin D, a fat soluble (a vitamin that can dissolve in fats and oils.) vitamin accumulates in the liver and can be fatal. While is it an important vitamin in your pets diet be cautious about using Vitamin D supplements without a veterinarians advice and prescription.
Symptoms of Vitamin D poisoning
Symptoms include, loss of appetite, dehydration, excessive thirst or urination, diarrhoea or weight loss. Your veterinarian may require blood tests to check kidney function.
Treatment, depending on the level of poisoning may include round the clock monitoring, including inducing vomiting, aggressive IV’s to flush the system. Even after treatment, when the dog or cat is discharged, constant monitoring is required.
We anthropomorphise our pets, and are tempted to give them “supplements.” Please ensure you do research and check with your vet. Before administering off the counter supplements read the instructions carefully and be sure of where they are sourced. They can have fatal consequences for your pets. We will continue to post about pet food recalls if they are relevant to the pet foods available in India.
Source: For link to article www.thetruthaboutpetfood.com