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Advancing Your Dog’s Training Techniques

advance your dog training technique

Advancing Your Dog’s Training Techniques

Dog training is both an art and a science, blending understanding, patience, and technique to foster a strong relationship between dog owners and their canine companions. As dog owners, we often start with the basics of sit, stay, and come, which we can learn the basics of from online dog training courses, but what about taking our dog’s training to the next level? 

Advanced training can stimulate a dog mentally, strengthen your bond, and even correct stubborn behaviour. For example Brain Training for Dogs by Adrienne Farricelli can help increase your dog’s intelligence and reversing bad behavior with positive reinforcement training.

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Reviewing the Basics of Dog Training

Before diving into advanced training, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp on basic dog training techniques. The foundations of effective dog training include:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding desirable behaviours with treats, praise, or toys, ensuring the dog associates the behaviour with positive outcomes.
  • Clear Communication: Using distinct commands and signals so the dog isn’t left guessing what’s expected.
  • Repetition: Repetition is the key to ingraining behaviour. The more a dog practises a behaviour, the better they get at it.
  • Timing: Rewards should be given immediately after the desired behaviour so the dog can make a clear connection.

Missing any one of these concepts can compromise the quality of your training. Once you’ve mastered these four elements, then you can start to move on toward advanced training commands. 

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is the cornerstone of any successful training regimen. Dogs thrive on predictability and routine. When training:

  • Use the same command words and gestures each time.
  • Ensure all family members are on the same page regarding commands and rewards.
  • Stick to a routine. Training should be a regular activity, not just a once-in-a-while endeavour. 

Inconsistency can confuse a dog and significantly delay or impede the training process. It’s important to remember that your dog is trying to understand your expectations, and inconsistencies can muddy those waters. 

Advanced Training Commands: Mastering Precision and Discipline

As your dog progresses through their training journey, introducing advanced commands can be both mentally stimulating for the dog and rewarding for the trainer. These commands go beyond the basics, demanding a higher level of discipline, focus, and cooperation from your canine companion. 

Challenging Recall:

Definition: This command requires the dog to come to you even in the presence of significant distractions or over longer distances.

Application: Begin by solidifying the basic recall in a controlled environment. Gradually introduce distractions, such as other animals, toys, or people. Increase the distance between you and your dog, challenging them to maintain focus on your command despite the temptation.

Importance: Challenging recall ensures your dog’s safety, especially in unpredictable environments. It ensures that even if they’re far away or surrounded by distractions, they’ll come back when called.

In-Motion Commands:

Definition: Commands given while the dog is in motion, such as changing direction, sitting, or lying down as they walk or run.

Application: Start by perfecting the behaviour when stationary. Once mastered, introduce it while walking slowly, gradually increasing the pace as your dog becomes more confident. Use a lead or long-line initially to guide the behaviour.

Importance: In-motion commands offer greater control over your dog in dynamic environments, such as busy streets or dog parks, ensuring they respond promptly regardless of what they’re currently doing.

Challenging Stays:

Definition: This requires the dog to remain in a ‘sit’, ‘down’, or ‘stand’ despite distractions or for extended durations.

Application: Like the challenging recall, start in a controlled environment. Gradually introduce distractions – it could be the ringing of a doorbell, another pet walking by, or even tempting treats placed nearby. Increase the duration of the stay over time.

Importance: It promotes discipline and impulse control. Whether you’re at a busy intersection, a crowded area, or dealing with immediate dangers like a moving vehicle, a reliable stay can be lifesaving.

Distracted Commands:

Definition: Commands given in highly distracting environments.

Application: After mastering a command in a quiet environment, practice in places with increasing levels of distraction – it could be a park with other dogs playing, a bustling street, or during a family gathering at home. Gradually increase the number or intensity of the distractions so that you have a better chance of success early on. Going straight from a quiet training area to a crowded park may leave both you and your dog frustrated. 

Importance: Life is full of distractions. Ensuring your dog obeys commands amidst distractions guarantees their safety and ensures they remain well-behaved in diverse scenarios.

Incorporating these advanced commands into your dog’s training regimen requires patience, consistent reinforcement, and gradual progression. But the effort put into mastering these commands pays off tenfold in the enhanced bond with your canine companion, their disciplined behaviour, and peace of mind in most settings you’ll encounter as you go about your daily life.

Methods for Addressing and Correcting Stubborn Behaviour

Every dog is an individual, and while some may be eager to please, others can show stubborn streaks. Addressing stubborn behaviour requires a blend of patience, understanding, and technique.

  • Identify the Root Cause: Understand why the dog is displaying stubborn behaviour. It might be out of fear, confusion, or even a health issue.
  • Increase Motivation: Find a high-value reward that your dog can’t resist. It could be a special treat or a favourite toy.
  • Short and Positive Training Sessions: Keep training sessions short to prevent frustration and end on a positive note to keep morale high.
  • Use Management Tools: Tools like harnesses or head collars can offer more control during training.
  • Seek Professional Help: If stubborn behaviours persist, consider seeking the expertise of a professional dog trainer. They can offer insights, techniques, and strategies tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Advancing your dog’s training techniques can offer numerous benefits, from fostering a stronger bond with your canine companion to ensuring their safety and well-being. While the journey might require patience and perseverance, the results – a well-behaved, confident, and happy dog – are well worth the effort.


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