Animal Welfare, Cats, Pet Care, Pet Wellness, Worldwide

Coronavirus is our Future

The key take away from her talk?
Respect, as a species we do not respect the planet and our place in it.
We continue to risk the weak, vulnerable and future generations.

How we got here….

“This is not the last outbreak we’re ever going to see…. and its a result of the way we are interacting with our planet.”
“Its about the way we’re pushing into the last wild spaces on our planet”

Alanna Shaikh

We are all concerned about our community, family and animals. It’s easy to give into fear and hope this will run its course and disappear. The planet is warning us with repeated urgency to change the plundering manner in which we live. Alanna Shaikh like so many dedicated professionals presents a rational realistic explanation of the Covid-19 reality we are living.

While we self isolate, empty shelves of hand sanitisers, face masks, and toilet paper. Take a moment to remember and be thankful for the health care workers across the globe, who like the planet are paying the price of the selfish existence we have come to believe is our birthright.

Be sensible and help the authorities help you. Limited social contact, no hysterical reactions, wash your hands, be mindful of the fact that you may survive an infection, a weaker person you unknowingly infect may not.


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